Welcome to Jim Carrey on ETH!
  • "I act because I'm broken in a lot of pieces, and acting gives me a chance to reconfigure those pieces into 1000 different things that are positive for people to watch."

  • "I wake up some mornings and sit and have my coffee and look out at my beautiful garden, and I go, 'Remember how good this is. Because you can lose it."

  • "If you aren't in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret."

  • "Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them."

  • "My focus is to forget the pain of life. Forget the pain, mock the pain, reduce it. And laugh."

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core features

Features & Reveals

Safe and secure

$Carrey operates on the Ethereum blockchain and utilizes renounced CA with Locked LP to ensure secure and transparent transactions.

Low Tax

$Carrey has a low tax policy that ensures universal access for all users while also being used for marketing and avoiding MEV bots.

about & Tokenomics

The token's design and features

$Carrey is a digital currency that runs on the decentralized Ethereum blockchain, providing secure and transparent transactions. The token's design and features are inspired by the globally renowned character, Jim Carrey, entertaining audiences for over 90 years. With $Carrey, fans can experience a fascinating cryptocurrency ecosystem featuring their favorite character. It caters to both collectors seeking to expand their Jim Carrey memorabilia and crypto enthusiasts wanting to diversify their portfolios. Come and join the enchanting world of $Carrey today to be part of the future of Disney-inspired cryptocurrency!

  • Name: Jim Carrey
  • Total Supply: 696,969,696
  • Tax: 3/3
  • Liquidity: Locked
some faq

Frequently Asked Anything

What is $Carrey?

$Carrey is a digital currency on the Ethereum network inspired by the iconic character Jim Carrey, offering secure and transparent transactions for users.

How does $Carrey ensure safe and secure transactions?

$Carrey operates on the decentralized Ethereum blockchain, which provides a secure and transparent environment for transactions. The token also utilizes renounced CA with Locked LP for extra security.

What is the tax policy for $Carrey?

$Carrey has a low tax policy that ensures universal access for all users while also being used for marketing and avoiding MEV bots.

How can I participate in the $Carrey ecosystem?

You can participate in the $Carrey ecosystem by purchasing $Carrey on a supported exchange and holding it in your wallet. You can also join the community on social media to stay updated on the latest developments and participate in events and giveaways.

What makes $Carrey unique?

$Carrey is unique in that it celebrates a beloved character and offers an exciting cryptocurrency ecosystem for fans and collectors alike. The low tax policy and transparent process also set it apart from other digital currencies.

What is the contract address of $Carrey?

The contract address of $Carrey is etherscan .